Privacy Policy

When you register for an online account you are granting us permission to store your personal information.

We will only use personal information about you for the following reasons.

  • To create an online account for you
  • To record and process your orders
  • To add to our database so we may inform you of specials, promotions, offers and events via email or post
  • To respond to your queries
  • Any other reasons which we may notify at the time information is collected


  • We may share your personal information:
  •  To our service providers (e.g in order to store information)
  • Where the disclosure is in connection with one of the purposes for which the information was collected.(e.g to courier companies to enable deliveries )
  • Where we are required or authorised by law to make disclosure
  •  Except as provided above, we will not share or sell your personal information with any third party.

Correct Information

  • We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that personal information held by us is accurate and up-to-date. You are entitled to know as to whether or not we hold personal information about you and you are entitled to reasonable access to this information. You may also request:

    • That we correct this information if it is inaccurate;
    • That your details do not appear on our database.
    • You can make changes to your personal information, by logging into your account IF you signed up to a have a account.


If you would not like to receive emails from us regarding products, offers and promotions you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe. If you unsubscribe, you will continue to receive emails specifically related to your online sales. 

Yolk respect the privacy rights of our clients and have always been committed to protecting all personal information in our possession or control. We have adopted this Privacy Policy to guide how we collect, use, and disclose the personal information we require in the course of fulfilling our professional responsibilities and operating our business.

While Yolk have always taken the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and their employees very seriously, we have developed this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) to clearly define our ongoing commitment to protecting privacy rights. Our goal is to respond to the requirements of the law, and to be responsive to our clients, as well as partners and employees who expect us to demonstrate our commitment to respecting their privacy and protecting their personal information.

We are Accountable for the Personal Information in Our Possession

Yolk are accountable for all personal information in our possession or control. This includes any personal information that we receive directly from you, as well as other information we obtain indirectly, such as from sources such as corporate clients. We have established policies and procedures aimed at protecting personal information. We have educated our employees about our Privacy Policy and their role in protecting your personal information. If you have questions about our privacy practices, you are free to contact us

Use and Retention of Personal Information

If we intend to use your personal information for a purpose not previously identified to you, we will obtain your prior consent. However, we may use personal information without consent where it is necessary for the purpose of acting in respect of an emergency that threatens the life, health, or security of an individual. We may also disclose personal information without consent:

To a government institution that has requested the information, identified its lawful authority, and indicates that disclosure is for the purpose of enforcing, carrying out an investigation, or gathering intelligence relating to any federal, provincial, or foreign law; or suspects that the information relates to national security or the conduct of international affairs; or is for the purpose of administering any federal or provincial law;

Accuracy of Personal Information

The personal information that we collect about you must be accurate, complete, and current to ensure we can provide our services. On occasion you may be asked to update your personal information. Whenever possible, we request that you advise us of any changes to your personal information that may be relevant to the services we are providing to you.

Clients are encouraged to contact their engagement partner to update their personal information.

Information Requests

As a client, you have the right to review and obtain a copy of your personal information on record in our individual offices by contacting your engagement partner.

In most instances, you will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If you have any concerns about the access provided to you, you are encouraged to contact us.

Yolk will respond to individual complaints and questions relating to privacy. We will investigate and attempt to resolve all complaints.

Should you have any questions or concerns, or if you believe we have not properly complied with our documented policies and procedures, please direct your concerns in writing. We will ensure that a complete investigation of your complaint is undertaken and will report the findings to you in most instances within 30 days.


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